International Primary Curriculum (ICP)

The Entry Point is an exciting and memorable event that launches every IPC unit. The aim of the Entry Point is to get children thinking about, and engaged with, the learning that’s to follow. 

The Knowledge Harvest provides teachers with the chance to find out what children already know about the theme to personalize the unit by finding out what children want to learn in order to tailor their lessons accordingly. It reinforces connections between existing and new learning and allows children to take ownership of their learning.

Explaining the Theme can be used to provide teachers, children and parents with the big picture of the unit before it launches so that connections between subjects and concepts can be facilitated.  

The Big Picture provides teachers with subject-based background information and research with links to the learning contained within each unit. 

Research Activities. Each subject area has planned research activities which are designed to make sure that children can access information in a way that is appropriate to them, drawing on a wide range of learning approaches such as role play, digital learning, library research and so on. ICP research activities are experiential and exploratory. Some are collaborative; others are designed to develop individual enquiry and resilience, and therefore help to embed and develop the ICP Personal Goals. 

Recording Activities. The recording activities enable children to process and present information they have gained in their research activities through a range of approaches which tap into their different strengths and interests, and enable them to get better at other ways of recording. This might involve learning through digital recording, drama, musical compositions, maps, graphs, experiments, art work and so on. 

Exit Point.The exit point completes every unit. It helps children to draw on their prior learning, reminding them of all the connections between subjects that they have made, and create time and opportunities to build their understanding of their learning,and to reflect on this individually and as a group. The Exit Point is an excellent chance to engage with parents, guardians and carers and involve them in celebrating the learning that has been achieved.