International Middle Years Curriculum (IMYC)

The Big Idea forms the basis of the unit and is the concept that all learning will be linked to

Entry Point is an introductory activity for students in each unit of work, providing an exciting introduction to the work that is to follow. Entry Points can typically last from one hour to a full day, depending on the activity and the school. In order to set the scene for interlinking learning through the Big Idea, Entry Points should ideally be done with the whole year group.

Knowledge Harvest is the first formal learning activity in the IMYC Learning Cycle. The purpose of the Knowledge Harvest is to give students an opportunity to share and display what they already know about the Learning Goals within each subject section, the skills that might be learned, and the deepening understanding that they may already be bringing with them. Each subject teacher will conduct a Knowledge Harvest specific to their class, set in the context of their own subject

Subject Tasks: Each unit of work has subject-specific tasks that teachers can use and adapt to facilitate the students’ learning in order to reach the specific unit’s subject Learning Goals. These tasks are designed around a ‘concept’ in the subject and are not designed to be ‘lesson plans’ or to take the same time to finish. For example, Task 1, which is normally a Knowledge Harvest, can take just one period (or even half of one) to complete, whilst a task designed around practising a skill or discovering something could take more than one period. Teachers that design their own tasks for their subject for whatever reason should ideally follow the same task structure and teaching practice. Additionally, each IMYC subject task has research activities and recording activities.

Reflective Journaling: In every unit, the last activity for a subject contains a set of journaling questions that formally support student reflection. Some of the questions may be around personal dispositions, whilst others will foster International Mindedness by encouraging students to consider the perspectives of themselves, their families and others throughout different activities.

Exit Point: This is a key element in developing understanding over the three years. Each of the IMYC units is written to be completed in about six weeks. During the sixth week, teachers and students come together for an extended period of time in a final formal opportunity for students to demonstrate the understanding that they have developed through a combined project, often called a Media Project.

Why choose Pearson Edexcel International GCSEs

Pearson Edexcel International GCSEs are globally recognised qualifications with academic content and assessment designed specifically for international learners.

Their qualifications have been designed in collaboration with subject experts, teachers and university professors, to ensure that the content and assessment methods are appropriate and will enable successful progression for learners.

International GCSEs are part of iProgress, the complete series of Pearson Edexcel academic qualifications for 5 to 19 year-olds, for international schools. The iProgress family includes: iPrimary, iLowerSecondary, International GCSE (IG), GCSE, International Advanced level (IAL), GCE A level. It delivers a consistent learning journey for students and teachers, with world class support services,  everywhere in the world.

They now offer a choice of linear or modular assessment for many of their International GCSEs.