Snacks & Lunches

Students in the Early Years and the Primary departments are given two periods for snacks daily. Families are expected to provide healthy snacks and an adequate amount of water daily. A hot lunch is prepared at the school daily. This lunch programme is available for the Early Years and Primary school families who only  pay in advance a monthly basis.
Middle School students can purchase lunch from Ms. Claire’s kitchen on a daily basis.

From Ms. Clare’s Kitchen
Participation in the School Lunch Programme is optional and requires a deposit of $80.00 onto your child’s lunch account. A monthly menu is published and posted on the class notice board. We welcome any suggestions of family recipes that your child enjoys.
Please let us know if your child is allergic to any food items on the menu. If your child has serious food allergies that require medication, please inform us of all details necessary to ensure that he/she is safely cared for.

Healthy Eating Policy
The Precious Treasures International School family cares about our children and we firmly believe that healthy eating helps our children thrive. We believe in and implement a healthy eating philosophy that combines freshness, flavor and good nutrition. We do this by developing menus that reflect international, Caribbean and local cuisine. In keeping with this policy, we require children to bring at least 1-2 liters of water to school each day. We discourage the consumption of sugary juices, drinks and snacks at school. Instead children are encouraged to bring a healthy snack.
Popular and recommended choices include:
  • Fresh cut fruit and vegetables
  • Low fat dips and/or hummus
  • Low fat cheese and crackers
  • Low fat yogurts
  • Sandwiches on wheat bread, pita or tortilla
  • Whole grain granola bars
  • 100% juice boxes